EMC Unisphere Central Error ” Conflicts with one or more ip addresses of other potential hosts. It is recommended to resolve these conflicts before importing to avoid misconfiguring the hosts.” When adding a new host using VCenter Wizard

Recently we acquired a new Unity Storage, and one of the great features of the new management interface is the esxi host import wizard.

The issue starts when Unispher Central poll esxi servers from VCenter server.

unicentral_import_vcenterAs shown in the photo above, an IP conflict is detected by the system. So the IP addresses for the esxi is OK, but i still have the issue reported about IP conflict.

The issue is caused by the IMM USB interface created on the ESXi if you are using a custom ESXI image from Lenovo. Esxi will have a vSwitchUSB0 with vmkernel port

The IP address of the port will be in the range of 169.254.95.X

This port is used for in-band firmware update by Lenovo ( Lan over USB)

lan-over-usbSo to fix this issue, you either disable this interface in IMM settings, or change the IP address.

to get the list of available VMkernel interfaces on the esxi host run the following command

esxcli network ip interface ipv4 get


Name  IPv4 Address    IPv4 Netmask   IPv4 Broadcast   Address Type  DHCP DNS
09:28:11        —-  ————–  ————-  —————  ————  ——–
09:28:11        vmk0  10.X.X.X  10.X.X.255     STATIC           false
09:28:11        vmk1  STATIC           false

to change the IP address

esxcli network ip interface ipv4 set -i vmk1 -I -N -t static


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