Category: VMAX

Enable Windows 2008 R2 MPIO with EMC VMAX

After installing windows server 2008 R2 using single path.

Enable dual path on VMAX and zone the server with the new port.

Windows will see 2 disks for each volume in Device Manager.

Install Windows MPIO by enabling MPIO Feature in windows server management.

by default windows will add a device hardware ID as follow: Vendor8Product16.

Remove this entry and add the Following”EMC#####SYMMETRIX#######”

this vendor Product ID can be found by the following command:

mpclaim -e

Reboot the server .

IBM VIO Server and VMAX device ID

Sometimes we need to check the device ID between VIO Server and VMAX.

there is multiple methods to locate the required device. the two methods that i use always.

from VIO shell $ chkdev -dev hdsik1


form aix shell #odmget -q “name like hdisk1 and attribute=unique_id” CuAt

the value returned should contain the VMAX serial number followed by the device ID